Friday, December 27, 2019

Delphi Thread Pool Example Using AsyncCalls

This is my next test project to see what threading library for Delphi would suite me best for my file scanning task I would like to process in multiple threads / in a thread pool. To repeat my goal: transform my sequential file scanning of 500-2000 files from the non threaded approach to a threaded one. I should not have 500 threads running at one time, thus would like to use a thread pool. A thread pool is a queue-like class feeding a number of running threads with the next task from the queue. The first (very basic) attempt was made by simply extending the TThread class and implementing the Execute method (my threaded string parser). Since Delphi does not have a thread pool class implemented out of the box, in my second attempt Ive tried using OmniThreadLibrary by Primoz Gabrijelcic. OTL is fantastic, has zillion ways to run a task in a background, a way to go if you want to have fire-and-forget approach to handing threaded execution of pieces of your code. AsyncCalls by Andreas Hausladen Note: what follows would be more easy to follow if you first download the source code. While exploring more ways to have some of my functions executed in a threaded manner Ive decided to also try the AsyncCalls.pas unit developed by Andreas Hausladen. Andys AsyncCalls – Asynchronous function calls unit is another library a Delphi developer can use to ease the pain of implementing threaded approach to executing some code. From Andys blog: With AsyncCalls you can execute multiple functions at the same time and synchronize them at every point in the function or method that started them. ... The AsyncCalls unit offers a variety of function prototypes to call asynchronous functions. ... It implements a thread pool! The installation is super easy: just use asynccalls from any of your units and you have instant access to things like execute in a separate thread, synchronize main UI, wait until finished. Beside the free to use (MPL license) AsyncCalls, Andy also frequently publishes his own fixes for the Delphi IDE like Delphi Speed Up and DDevExtensions Im sure youve heard of (if not using already). AsyncCalls In Action In essence, all AsyncCall functions return an IAsyncCall interface that allows to synchronize the functions. IAsnycCall exposes the following methods: //v 2.98 of asynccalls.pas IAsyncCall interface //waits until the function is finished and returns the return value function Sync: Integer; //returns True when the asynchron function is finished function Finished: Boolean; //returns the asynchron functions return value, when Finished is TRUE function ReturnValue: Integer; //tells AsyncCalls that the assigned function must not be executed in the current threa procedure ForceDifferentThread; end; Heres an example call to a method expecting two integer parameters (returning an IAsyncCall): TAsyncCalls.Invoke(AsyncMethod, i, Random(500)); function TAsyncCallsForm.AsyncMethod(taskNr, sleepTime: integer): integer;begin result : sleepTime; Sleep(sleepTime); TAsyncCalls.VCLInvoke( procedure begin Log(Format(done nr: %d / tasks: %d / slept: %d, [tasknr, asyncHelper.TaskCount, sleepTime])); end);end; The TAsyncCalls.VCLInvoke is a way to do synchronization with your main thread (applications main thread - your application user interface). VCLInvoke returns immediately. The anonymous method will be executed in the main thread. Theres also VCLSync which returns when the anonymous method was called in the main thread. Thread Pool in AsyncCalls Back to my file scanning task: when feeding (in a for loop) the asynccalls thread pool with series of TAsyncCalls.Invoke() calls, the tasks will be added to internal the pool and will get executed when time comes (when previously added calls have finished). Wait All IAsyncCalls To Finish The AsyncMultiSync function defined in asnyccalls waits for the async calls (and other handles) to finish. There are a few overloaded ways to call AsyncMultiSync, and heres the simplest one: function AsyncMultiSync(const List: array of IAsyncCall; WaitAll: Boolean True; Milliseconds: Cardinal INFINITE): Cardinal; If I want to have wait all implemented, I need to fill in an array of IAsyncCall and do AsyncMultiSync in slices of 61. My AsnycCalls Helper Heres a piece of the TAsyncCallsHelper: WARNING: partial code! (full code available for download)uses AsyncCalls;type TIAsyncCallArray array of IAsyncCall; TIAsyncCallArrays array of TIAsyncCallArray; TAsyncCallsHelper class private fTasks : TIAsyncCallArrays; property Tasks : TIAsyncCallArrays read fTasks; public procedure AddTask(const call : IAsyncCall); procedure WaitAll; end; WARNING: partial code!procedure TAsyncCallsHelper.WaitAll;var i : integer;begin for i : High(Tasks) downto Low(Tasks) do begin AsyncCalls.AsyncMultiSync(Tasks[i]); end;end; This way I can wait all in chunks of 61 (MAXIMUM_ASYNC_WAIT_OBJECTS) - i.e. waiting for arrays of IAsyncCall. With the above, my main code to feed the thread pool looks like: procedure TAsyncCallsForm.btnAddTasksClick(Sender: TObject);const nrItems 200;var i : integer;begin asyncHelper.MaxThreads : 2 * System.CPUCount; ClearLog(starting); for i : 1 to nrItems do begin asyncHelper.AddTask(TAsyncCalls.Invoke(AsyncMethod, i, Random(500))); end; Log(all in); //wait all //asyncHelper.WaitAll; //or allow canceling all not started by clicking the Cancel All button: while NOT asyncHelper.AllFinished do Application.ProcessMessages; Log(finished);end; Cancel all? - Have To Change The AsyncCalls.pas :( I would also like to have a way of cancelling those tasks that are in the pool but are waiting for their execution. Unfortunately, the AsyncCalls.pas does not provide a simple way of canceling a task once it has been added to the thread pool. Theres no IAsyncCall.Cancel or IAsyncCall.DontDoIfNotAlreadyExecuting or IAsyncCall.NeverMindMe. For this to work I had to change the AsyncCalls.pas by trying to alter it as less as possible - so that when Andy releases a new version I only have to add a few lines to have my Cancel task idea working. Heres what I did: Ive added a procedure Cancel to the IAsyncCall. The Cancel procedure sets the FCancelled (added) field which gets checked when the pool is about to start executing the task. I needed to slightly alter the IAsyncCall.Finished (so that a call reports finished even when cancelled) and the TAsyncCall.InternExecuteAsyncCall procedure (not to execute the call if it has been cancelled). You can use WinMerge to easily locate differences between Andys original asynccall.pas and my altered version (included in the download). You can download the full source code and explore. Confession NOTICE! :) The CancelInvocation method stopps the AsyncCall from being invoked. If the AsyncCall is already processed, a call to CancelInvocation has no effect and the Canceled function will return False as the AsyncCall wasnt canceled.The Canceled method returns True if the AsyncCall was canceled by CancelInvocation.The Forget method unlinks the IAsyncCall interface from the internal AsyncCall. This means that if the last reference to the IAsyncCall interface is gone, the asynchronous call will be still executed. The interfaces methods will throw an exception if called after calling Forget. The async function must not call into the main thread because it could be executed after the TThread.Synchronize/Queue mechanism was shut down by the RTL what can cause a dead lock. Note, though, that you can still benefit from my AsyncCallsHelper if you need to wait for all async calls to finish with asyncHelper.WaitAll; or if you need to CancelAll.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Importance of a Single Authorship of Isaiah - 1570 Words

INTRODUCTION The Importance of a Single Authorship of Isaiah When a critic attacks the authorship of Isaiah, it is like the â€Å"devil† putting his foot in the door. Modern criticism has cast doubt on the Bible. The written Word of God is a battlefield and many a skeptic has tried to dethrone the Bible claiming it is just another book. Denying a single authorship of Isaiah: 1. Casts doubt on the written Word of God 2. Makes Jesus appear ignorant when He said Isaiah wrote the scroll of Isaiah 3. Promotes skepticism about the authorship of other books 4. Makes Paul appear ignorant in quoting from Isaiah 5. Makes New Testament writers appear ignorant quoting from Isaiah A Brief Overview of the Book of Isaiah As a whole, Isaiah can be divided into three main parts: Isaiah 1-35 – describes Messiah as a mighty Ruler and King Isaiah 36-39 – relates to the times of Hezekiah Isaiah 40-66 – describes the Messiah as the meek and lowly Servant of the LORD Some scholars feel that Isaiah 1-35 and Isaiah 40-66 must be works of different authors. The first part of Isaiah reveals a Messiah who is a mighty Ruler and King. The last part of Isaiah reveals a meek and lowly Messiah who is a suffering victim. This shift from â€Å"a mighty ruler† to â€Å"a suffering victim,† make some critics feel there are at least two authors to Isaiah. Other critics claim that certain portions of Isaiah 13:24-27 and certain verses in Isaiah 14 and 21 were also written by someone other than Isaiah. Therefore, according toShow MoreRelatedThe Foundations Of The Canons1702 Words   |  7 Pagestype of written text that would be foundational therefore no one would want to take away or add to it. The early church was using the four Gospels and the letters of many of the Apostles in their church teachings. The churches focused on the importance of the authors being in a first-hand relationship or direct correlation to a disciple such as Mark was to Peter and Luke was to Paul (). The Apostles took some time to write down their experiences because during that time many were illiterate andRead MoreEssay on Encountering the Old Testament2615 Words   |  11 Pagesare stories, prophecy, parables, and poetry. Interpret Figurative Language Just as we do today, the prophets of the Old Testament used figurative language to convey meaning. One example of this is â€Å"The trees of the field will clap their hands† in Isaiah 55:12. Let Scripture Interpret Scripture Sometimes we find that one passage of Scripture will contradict another passage of Scripture. When this occurs we should find a different passage that presents clear teaching on the topic and interpret theRead MoreIntroduction to Christian Thought Essay9122 Words   |  37 Pagesheard Christ calling Himself the â€Å"Son of Man†? Messiah The Deity of Christ - Pg. 155-160 1. T/F Jesus Christ is the second member of the trinity, is equal with the father in nature and yet submissive in duty. T 2. T/F Christ was a single and undivided personality. T 3. T/F Jesus claimed to be one with the father. T 4. T/F Jesus claimed to have the ability to forgive sins. T 5. T/F Jesus allowed people to worship him. T 6. T/F Jesus claimed to have omnipresence, omniscience

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Is Your Organization Ready To Consider An HRMS Essay Example For Students

Is Your Organization Ready To Consider An HRMS? Essay Before you look at acquiring an HRMS, look inside your organization. How intrinsic to your companys strategic direction is the acquisition of an HRMS? What is the meaning of an HRMS to your executives? Are they convinced of the strategic importance of HR? Or will your executives views be limited to an HRMS with only basic record keeping functions (such as demographics data or payroll information)? Your success in obtaining strong executive sponsorship will dictate where you look and what package you will select. You will need to consider the overall budget. Who needs to be on side to develop a credible business case?What about technology? Is your organization ready to consider solutions that allow widespread web access? What impact would technology have on external organizations like employee groups? Should they be brought on board early in the cycle?Finally, competing projects may impede your executives consideration of thisproject. Your companys resources may be fully engaged in other initiatives. This will affect your overall timeline. What Functionality Do You Need?There are many options. Basic HRMS include payroll applications with little or noHR functionality. Comprehensive systems include payroll and may include compensation, benefits, positions, health and safety, training and development, and time and labour. In addition to raw function, some packages make it easier to do your job by offering workflow capability. For example, an email message can be automatically triggered to a benefit administrator to enroll an employee on benefits when an applicant ishired. Others have non-traditional ways of accessing information: for example, Interactive Voice Response (IVR) married to workflow can trigger actions like job scheduling. Alternatively, your organization may want to use a kiosk to enable employees to access and update their own personnel information. To determine your scope, your organization should go through a requirements. study or needs analysis. Consider where the payroll system fits in. Should you track detailed payroll records in your financial system? Do you have extensive requirements in the areas of pension administration?Considering both present HR activities and future directions of HR in your organization, list ten case studies that will give you the greatest return on investment. For help with creating the case studies, obtain the HR Matrix available from HRMS Directions or the International Association for Human Resource Information Management (IHRIM). By relating your case studies to return on investment, you can avoid being distracted by insignificant items in vendor demonstrations. Remember to consult with individuals within and outside of the HR functional area to develop your detailed case studies. Other users across the organization may have systems or even desktop applications that will be replaced by this package. If needed, hold facilitated sessions to draw on the experiences and ideas of individuals throughout your organization. Finally, consider whether your case studies rigidly mirror current practice, or area reflective of ways you might consider addressing the target business processes.You want the latter. But What About the Technology?Involve your information technology (IT) group early in your requirements discussions. While they may not be interested in the detailed case studies, they will be interested in the application usage. For example, how many potential users will be accessing the software at the same time? What platform will the software run on? How compatible is it with current technology? If you are considering web access to information, this may mean significant changes to your IT environment. What are the interfaces to the system? Will the HRMS package need to supply data to or receive data from any other systems?Still Is an Implementation Feasible? The Hot Buttons:Resources Based on the application you choose, look at your companys resources to determine whether you are likely to have both the people and the skills available in-house when you will need them. Senior staff who best understand the business area and individuals with implementation experience will need to b e part of your team. Project roles will depend on project size and scope and will include, for example, project manager, sponsor, functional experts, technical experts, database administrators, change management and business process improvement experts. If you do not have the required resources in-house, you may be wise to look externally to one or more consulting organizations that specialize in project implementation to partner with you or lead the project. Young Goodman Brown - Losing Faith EssaySite Visits Optimally, visit organizations in your industry that have already implemented some of the products under consideration. Remember, however, that the organization you visit may not want or have time to communicate less than pleasant experiences. Try to ensure that the benefits will outweigh the costs. Short List Once initial responses are analyzed, develop a short list to consider further. Based on your case studies, request at least one scripted demonstration of the system. This is your chance to see the software and delve further into areas of concern or interest. Subsequent Information Gathering Based on your analysis to this point, you may request additional demonstrations from potential vendors. This provides you with an opportunity to ask additional questions regarding functionality, and will enable you to examine in greater depth questions regarding vendor support, future versions, etc. In addition, interviews with the sales team, technical support staff, and vendor executives may give you valuable insight to determine whether your company should embark on a long term relationship with a particular vendor. Contracting Prior to signing any agreements, make sure a lawyer, knowledgeable in software and ideally HR systems, reviews the contract. Consider incidental costs that may not be included in the initial costing, for example, training, support, or additional resources. Finally, remember that HRMS are complex systems. To derive the greatest value, implementation will take time, planning and energy. Set realistic goals. Your organizations ability to absorb change will directly drive and impact the overall implementation schedule. By taking the time to assess your organization, you can feel confident in answering the key question posed at the outset of this article: Does your organization really need an HRMS and is it ready to step up to the implementation?Recruiting and Staffing:The entire recruiting function is undergoing a virtualrevolution. Self-service systems are being installed on both the supply side forapplicants and the demand side for hiring managers, using the Internet not only tohelp provide the match, but also to help handle the hurdles along the way, such asapplicant testing and background screening. Companies can search thousands of resumes, internationally, either throughproprietary databases or those of vendors such as The Career Connect,CareerMosaic, CareerWeb, The Monster Board, or SkillsScape. Most resumes stillcome to companies on paper but whatever the media, paper, e-mail, the Web or fax,they can be scanned and re-formatted according to corporate specifications, andthen made available to the hiring manager or HR manager anywhere in a company,anywhere in the world. Improvements in optical character recognition have played an important part in thisnew capability, as have improvements in expert systems that providecategorizations and recognition of terms and rules. Systems can make inferencesabout skills and potential based on the words and phrases used in a resume. Newtechnology not only helps with the review of a large number of resumes, but it alsogets them to the right people quickly, using a variety of media and vendors. Thenext generation of recruiting software is incorporating skill-based questionsenabling the hiring company to pre-screen applicants. In ConclusionThe HR function, being one of the most data-intensive in any organization, is one ofthe leading beneficiaries and exploiters of these new achievements in technology. Now, HR professionals are more computer literate. They know how to use thetechnology to their advantage and to the overall benefit to the company. Utilizing thepower of new computers and software applications, notably the web, coupled withthe reengineering process, many organizations have started capturing self-servicedata for all personnel actions, such as new hires, salary changes and transfers,enrollment for training, as well as recruiting and staffing. All of this means more time for employees to do their job and it has meant valuableinformation for line management.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Us V. Causby Essays - Aviation Law, United States V. Causby

Us V. Causby United States V. Causby, 328 U.S. 256 (1946) In 1934 Lee Causby and his wife Tinie moved to a 2.8 acre plot of land just outside of Greensboro, North Carolina. Knowingly, they purchased the land, which was located only one-third of a mile from a municipal airport and began to raise chickens as a means of income. All was well until the spring of 1942 when the United States Army began to fly four-engine bombers over the property during all hours of the day and night. Due to the constant clamor numerous problems arose on the farmstead and as a result Lee and Tinie filed suit against the United States Army for the ?taking? of property defined under the Fifth Amendment. The Greensboro-Highpoint Municipal Airport was first established in 1928 eight miles from Greensboro, North Carolina. The airport was first commissioned to allow the take off and landing of small commercial flights and crop spraying planes. For approximately a decade and a half the Causby family, their chicken farm and the airport lived in harmony. This harmony was broken in April of 1942 when a lease was negotiated between the airport and the United State Army over the employment of the airport from May until June 1st of 1942. The lease also included provisions for renewal that would have lasted until 1967. It was with this contract in which the Causby's problems first began. According to the original complaint that was filed by the Causbys in the Court of Claims, the planes flown by the Army directly over their land caused the family to lose sleep, become constantly nervous and afraid. On top of this the noise and light created by the large aircraft frightened the chickens so much that they would fly into the sides of the buildings and barns, which would kill them instantly. Approximately six to ten chickens died in one day and a total of 150 chickens died altogether. Eventually production at the chicken farm fell off and the property became devaluated. After the courts examined the situation, the Court of Claims granted an easement of $2,000 for property damage. According to the findings of the Court of Claims, the Causby's home was 2,275 feet from the runway and the barn was only 2,220 feet away. Also due to the fact that the angle in which the planes took off, they flew directly over both the house and the barn. On April 1, 1946 the Supreme Court granted the petition of writ of certiorari to the Court of Claims even though Mr. Justice Jackson took no part in the decision. Only a month later, on May 1st, the case was brought before the Supreme Court of the United States of America by Mr. Walter J. Cummings of Washington D.C. representing the petitioner. For the respondents, the Causbys, Mr. William E. Comer of Greensboro, NC was in attendance. Once again Mr. Justice Jackson did not take part in the trial. Mr. Justice Douglas wrote the opinion of the court and upheld that decision should be reversed and remanded so that the findings of the Court of Claims are in conformity to the decision of the Supreme Court. This was due to the fact that the Army bombers and planes were flying so low, approximately sixty-seven feet above the house and sixty-three feet above the barn, and that the lease that was contracted between the United States and the Greensboro airport could not properly be determined whether it was a temporary or permanent in nature. Also the court was not satisfied with the findings of the Court of Claims so they ordered them to recheck all items dealing with the complaint and to specify more details in their findings. He also found that the due to the extreme amount of disruption caused by the United States' planes that there was hindrance to the ?enjoyment of property? which the Causbys were granted through the United States constitution. According to laws set up by the Civil Aeronautics Authority (CAA), at eighty-three feet above ground level it was declared that this altitude would be free airspace. The CAA declared all space that was above the reserved eighty-three feet to be public airspace. Therefore noise and other

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Beowulf Essays - Beowulf, Geats, English-language Films, Free Essays

Beowulf Essays - Beowulf, Geats, English-language Films, Free Essays Beowulf The story of Beowulf is one of courage, nobility, and heroism. Beowulf possesses each of these attributes both as a young prince and an elder king. These qualities allow him to become the honored king that he was, yet they also lead to his death. His actions are to be viewed as a precedent for young princes and future kings. Clearly every young prince inspires to earn enough respect to become king in their latter years. Beowulf first earns this respect when he sails to Herot to kill Grendel, the monster that has been keeping the soldiers out of their home. Upon arrival in Herot, Beowulf brags of his past accomplishments, in order to earn some respect from Hrothgar and his men. In my youth I have set about many brave deeds?I had bound five, destroyed a family of giants, and at night in the waves slain water-monsters, suffered great pain, avenged an affliction of the Weater-Geats on those who had asked for trouble- ground enemies to bits. And now alone I shall settle affairs with Grendel, the monster, the demon. (Page 32) While this beast has killed many of Hrothgar?s men, Beowulf vows to destroy him with his bare hands. Even after doing as he so promised, Beowulf has still not finished his duties. The following day, he is faced with another challenge; killing Grendel?s angry mother. When Beowulf is asked to perform this task, he accepts whole heatedly , as he sees it as another chance to gain fame, "Let him who may get glory before death: that is best for the warrior after he has gone from life."(page 45) Once again, Beowulf returns successful in his battle with the monster, only to increase his popularity within his people. These courageous and heroic deeds are expected of any young or aging prince. Clearly Beowulf?s brave encounters with these monsters show his king and followers that he is worthy of becoming a fearless leader. However, his ability to rule goes beyond those feats in battle. Beowulf was showered with gifts of gold and riches for his tremendous achievements of killing the monsters. This is where his manner is shown to be one of strong moral. While he could have easily kept them all for himself, Beowulf gives his rewards to his king, Higlac; as he was instructed to do. In addition, Beowulf declined his first offering at the throne. His sense of morality and loyalty to Higlac tells him that it is only right for Higlac?s son to take the throne before himself. These decent acts should be wisely followed by a young prince. When Beowulf accepts the role of King of the Geats, he does not change as a person or as a warrior. Once again, a monster is brought to the attention of Beowulf, this time in his own land. Even in his old age, Beowulf vows to fight this dragon on his own. Yet this battle was not to be fought for his own fame, yet for the safety of his people. Beowulf attacks the dragon as he had done so many times in the past, in hope of a victory. However, he quickly learns that his strength and armor are no match for the fire breathing dragon. As the fight comes to a close, Beowulf lies dying on the ground, with all but one man left to his aid. Although the dragon was defeated, the Geats lost their honorable king. He died doing what any good leader would, defending his land and people. Beowulf?s mistake was to let his ego take over, as he tried to take on the dragon alone. This is especially notable for a young prince to follow. While it is necessary to be brave and courageous, a prince of king must know his own limitations in order to succeed.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

War Dehumanization in All Quiet on The Western Front Essay Example

War Dehumanization in All Quiet on The Western Front Essay Example War Dehumanization in All Quiet on The Western Front Paper War Dehumanization in All Quiet on The Western Front Paper Essay Topic: All Quiet On the Western Front War Dehumanization in All Quiet on The Western Front BY Itmes123 War Dehumanization If you think of humanity as one large body, then war is like suicide, or at best, self mutilation( Jerome Crabb). Paul B? ¤umer, the protagonist of All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque fulfills his understanding of Jerome Crabbs quote after experiencing everything war has to offer. In the novel, Paul truly experiences what being in war can physically and mentally do to not only a man, but their families as well. It is apparent that Erich Maria Remarque had Paul B? ¤umer face various orrifying situations while at the front to make a powerful statement against war and everything associated with it. Throughout the book, Remarque uses implicit statements to help prove his argument in a myriad of ways. The statements Remarque includes in the novel cohere with one another to show that war dehumanizes the soldiers who choose to enlist into it. Through the implicit language and arguments used, the dehumanization effect war brought upon the soldiers is illustrated as an unbreakable force that takes no pity on the soldiers at the front. It greatly affects the soldiers physically, mentally, and even psychologically. Erich Maria Remarque shows that war has a dehumanizing effect on the men even to the point of being compared to savages by using point of view, literary devices and imagery. By applying the points of view of the distinct characters in his novel, Remarque is able to implicitly make the argument that war dehumanizes the soldiers in every way possible. Because of the usage of point of view, the argument trying to be proven is seen through a clearer outlook since a single characters personality does not affect the argument of war dehumanizing the men. Conventional human characteristics, for xample the significance of education, have seemed to be lost completely due to war. When discussion arises between Paul and his comrades about their aspirations after war, the men come to realize that they have forgotten most of what their schoolmaster Kantorek had taught them back in school which was really not that long ago. Paul even considers the school lessons they received back as civilians to be rot(86). The word choice Paul uses sort of gives off a supercilious tone on education. Pauls tone on the topic illustrates that he sees little or no value in the education he learned from his schoolmasters. Obviously, education is seen as an extremely important part of humanity of the soldiers but since Paul is devaluing education, he is essentially devaluing humanity as well. Adding onto Pauls depreciation of education at the front, as Leer, one of his closest comrades is killed, Paul comes to the understanding that being such a good mathematician at school served Leer no good while fghting on the front (284). The realization he made is that war does not take pity for people who are well educated. Paul feels that war cares nothing of education since Leers mathematics skills were not able to help him survive the ombardment and therefore, the education used on Leer served of very little use for him since ne was not able to survive the wrath ot war. This experience displays to Paul that only instinct can help to survive being at the front. Solely using instinct to survive is a characteristic only vital to animals and because Paul exhibits this characteristic, Remarque is implying that all soldiers act based off of instinct.. It is in essence showing that the soldiers in way are at a level comparable to various animals. Yet another point of view Remarque incorporates to illustrate animal like ualities in the soldiers is that of Albert Kropp. In this instance, Kropp is badly hurt with an amputated leg. He no longer sees the value of enduring the strong pain as he tells Paul that he will shoot himself the first time he can get a hold of his revolver(261). By devaluing his own life, Kropp has shown to the readers that war has destroyed his own humanity since life is one of the most important values in humanity. Without the virtue of humanity, Kropp and many other soldiers that find themselves in similar situations can be compared to animals. The points of view from Albert and Paul all are brought together to show the dehumanization effect war causes since the men are no longer caring for their humanity. Also, literary devices integrated in the novel cohere with each other to furthermore show how the soldiers at war become less and less human everyday. As the soldiers fall in line for breakfast to receive their normal amount of rations, the sergeant cook is shocked to see that only 80 of the men survived the heavy attack from the previous day. He unwittingly made enough food for the 150 men but because nearly half of them had died, the ook finds himself with an overload of food. Because of the massive surplus, the soldiers in line for breakfast plead their case to the cook that they should receive double rations for the day. At first, the cook is hesitant to comply with the soldiers orders thinking Eighty men cant have what is meant for a hundred and fifty'(5). The literary device shown here is irony as after persuading the cook for double rations, the Second Company which came back 80 strong has no difficulty consuming all of the leftover food meant for the other soldiers who were not as lucky to survive. After eceiving and consuming the extra food, the soldiers showed no remorse of the fact that they were eating their fellow dead soldiers breakfast. The only emotion they felt was satisfaction in their bellies. The men usually receive minimal food at the front so they quickly snap at the opportunity to receive an extra ration despite it being meant for the dead soldiers. This quality the men portray is one similar to animals as animals also snap at any opportunity to get food even if it is at an expense of another animal. They only think of what they can do for them to be better off and in this case, he soldiers are doing the same. Another literary device Remarque uses to confirm his argument is symbolism. As Paul and his comrades crowd around Kemmerichs bed at the hospital, they notice that Kemmerichs leg has been amputated. Out of the group, Kemmerich has the most comfortable boots and Muller takes note of that. Considering the fact that Kemmerich will no longer be able to wear the boots, Muller desperately wants them to replace his worn out uncomfortable boots. At first, Paul wanted Kemmerich to keep and die with the boots still in his possession but he omes to realize that only the facts are real important for [them], And good boots are scarce(21). Since Kemmerich is close to death, Paul thinks of the value of the boots and where they are most needed without the realization that they are a prized possession of his dying comrade Kemmerich. War has really dehumanized the men as their value system nas changed tor the worse and the boots represent now much more they care for things that could make them better off rather than the life of a good friend. All in all, the literary devices used in the book help make a valid claim hat war has a dehumanizing effect on the soldiers. By applying imagery, Remarque shows the soldiers in war are dehumanized to a level that can be compared to animals. The soldiers find themselves resorting to their animal like instincts to help stay alive which make them lose all human characteristics by fighting in the war. Following Pauls leave from the front, he serves some time as a prison guard watching over the Russian prisoners and unintentionally compares the prisoners to animals describing them as meek, scolded, St. Bernard dogs and they seem nervous and fearful(189). St. Bernard dogs are defined as generally very large working dogs originally bred for rescue. The word choice of meek and scolded certainly do not match the definition of St Bernard dogs as rescue dogs have to be assertive and praised. Paul is hinting to the fact that because of the harsh conditions the prisoners are forced to endure, they have been ever since going through a long stint of dehumanization. The Russian prisoners also slink about [the] camp and pick over the garbage Slinking around the enemy camp suggests that the prisoners are trying to scavenge any left ood in a stealthy manner trying their best not be noticed by the others. This tactic is very similar to how various animals capture their prey so war has actually animalized the prisoners. Also, the Russians result to picking through garbage cans to try and find leftover bread crumbs. Searching through garbage cans for food is certainly the last resort for food but war has dehumanized the men to the extent where all they care about is surviving. If it means eating out of the garbage can, they will do so. These two instances show how animalistic war can make men become. By ncorporating character point of view, literary devices and distinct imagery, Remarque shows that war has not only dehumanized the soldiers but animalized them as well. Remarque is able to implicitly show Just how dehumanizing war can be to anyone that is absorbed into it. It truly destroys the humanity in all men that comes in its way. Time and time again, Remarque pleads his case of how fighting in war and being at the front can over time make a man less than a human being and closer to an animal due to the loss of many values of humanity. His argument in the novel is quite specific and strong but it is certainly valid.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Moral Problem Of The Death Penalty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Moral Problem Of The Death Penalty - Essay Example America has done x amount of damage and must pay Canada for that. There are several problems with this, however. For one thing, the environmental damage will affect people who will never get money from the restitution. Furthermore, environmental degradation can be long term in a way that neither Canada nor the US could predict, so it is possible that any payment that the United States makes would be insufficient. There are several other options, however. Canada has an abundance of hydropower, which is how it can operate more greenly than America. Canada could agree to sell hydroelectricity to American municipalities close to the border, reducing their need for coal. But probably the best solution would be for America to agree to a plan to move away from coal power, avoiding the environmental degradation entirely, while possibly making economic restitution for damage already done.3. The line of thinking that â€Å"If you’re not doing anything wrong, you don’t have anyth ing to worry about† in terms of surveillance is patently ludicrous. There are a wide variety of things that may not be morally or ethically wrong but should not be public knowledge. If, for instance, a high school teacher happens to be a gigantic fan of Justin Bieber, have many of his decorations and listen to his music all the time, this is far from morally wrong. But it is also possible that his high-school teacher’s life would be more difficult if his students found out about his love for Bieber.... But it is also possible that his high-school teacher’s life would be more difficult if his students found out about his love for Bieber. Furthermore, it is not wrong or right to practice any particular religion or align one’s self with any particular political party, but one could face challenges in their personal or professional life because of widespread knowledge of this. 4. The boss is fundamentally assuming that his or her employees are doing things they shouldn’t be at work, and refusing to trust them. This monitoring should usually not be justified and is usually not a good management tool. For one thing, as long as an employee is meeting their job expectations then what else they do at work should not be at issue – if, as an employer, you have a problem with someone’s performance than you address it, as a performance problem, and if there is no problem with their performance you have no reason to have to monitor confidential information. Thi s could even lead to decreased productivity – for some people surfing the internet to give their brain a break might be an important part of what they do, and interfering in that could make them less productive. 5. This is a very interesting question. Seat belt laws from adults are very different than seatbelt laws for infants, because infants are not able to make these decisions for themselves, and society has decided that there are a lot of ways that they need to be protected, even from their parents (for instance you can’t give an infant poison they might eat either). In the case of an adult though, you could say that the adult taking those kinds of risks provides problems for the rest of society (for instance tying up